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时间:2012-09-26 来源:慧盟验厂 点击:

8.0、Tool Room and Maintenance工具和维护


8.1.1、Does the factory have a tool maintenance room?工厂是否有工具房?

8.1.2、Is there enough space for the tool room/maintenance area?工具房的空间是否足够?

8. 1.3、Is the tool room/maintenance area clean and organized?工具房是否干净及整齐?

8. 1.4、Does the tool room/maintenance area have sufficient lighting?工具房的灯光是否足够?

8. 1.5、Is the tool room/maintenance area well ventilated?工具房是否通风?


8.2.1、Are machines, equipment, fixtures and tools suitable to produce clients product? 生产设备是否符合生产客户之产品?

8.2.2、Do machines, equipment, fixtures and tools appear to be clean and in good condition?生产设备是否干净及完整良好?

8.2.3、Is an organized spare parts inventory kept on hand at the factory?工厂是否有保留配件详细清单?

8.2.4、Are tools, spare parts, fixtures, jigs, molds, etc appropriately stored to avoid rust, damage, and ensure ease of locating?工具,配件,夹具,钓钩,模具是否存放好(避免生锈,损坏)?
