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时间:2012-09-26 来源:慧盟验厂 点击:

6.0、Sewing/Production Floor车缝生产车间

6.1、Is there enough space in the sewing/production area?车缝生产车间的空间是否足够?

6.2、Is the sewing/production area clean and organized?车缝生产车间是否干净及整齐?

6.3、Does the sewing/production area have sufficient lighting?车缝生产车间的灯光是否足够?

6.4、Is the sewing/production area well ventilated?车缝生产车间是否通风?


6.5.1、Does the plant have a "back up" power supply available that will allow production to continue in case of power failure?是否有发电机?

6.5.2、Is appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) provided to the workers? Welding goggles, respirators, gloves etc.是否有提供劳保用品给员工使用(眼罩、口罩、手套、等等)?

6.5.3、Are machines, equipment, fixtures and tools suitable to produce clients product? 机械设备、夹具是否符合生产客户之产品?

6.5.4、Do machines, equipment, fixtures and tools appear to be clean and in good condition?机械设备、夹具是否干净及完整良好?

6.5.5、Is there a formal documented preventive maintenance program in place?是否有进行维修保养?

6.5.6、Are documentation and records maintained for stitching floor/production?车缝生产车间是否有维修保养记录?

6.6、Quality Systems质量系统

6.6.1、Are daily or weekly quality goals and actual performance results posted on the factory floor?每日或每周之质量目标及表现是否有挂于厂内?

6.7、Document and Process Control文件与程序控制

6.7.1、Are documented PRODUCTION procedures or instructions present at each production operation?每个生产工序是否有工作指引?

6.7.2、Is there a documented process that reconciles seconds on a daily basis?工厂是否有PE人员?

6.7.3、Does the factory perform inline inspections?工厂是否有巡查QC?

6.7.4、Does factory keep internal INLINE inspection records?工厂是否有保留巡查QC报告?

6.7.5、Does the factory perform During Production (DUPRO) inspections to a standard AQL or acceptable statistical quality level that is equal to or tighter than Target's AQL?工厂是否有按照或比Target严格之AQL进行中期检验?

6.7.6、Does the factory keep internal DUPRO inspection records?工厂是否有保留内部检查记录?

6.7.7、Does the factory use defect samples in the production area to show examples of common defects?工厂是否有提供次品给生产线上员工识别?

6.7.8、Does a documented process exist for operators to identify and flag defective goods on the line?生产线上好货与坏货是否有标识?

6.7.9、Are sewing machines or needles operation involved in production?生产线上是否有车缝?

6.7.10、Does the process include mechanic interaction?技工是否有参与程序?

6.7.11、Is there a needle log maintained by machine/operator?是否有车缝断针记录?
