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时间:2012-09-26 来源:慧盟验厂 点击:

7.0、Packing and Finishing包装及出货

7.1、Is the enough space for the packing/finishing area?包装/成品区的空间是否足够?

7.2、Is the packing/finishing area clean and organized?包装/成品区是否干净及整齐?

7.3、Does the packing/finishing area have sufficient lighting?包装/成品区的灯光是否足够

7.4、Is packing and finishing area well ventilated?包装/成品区是否通风?

7.5、Are finished goods stored in a controlled area to avoid theft, loss, damage, deterioration?成品是否存放于控制区(避免偷窃、遗失、损坏、变坏)?


7.6.1、Are documentation and records maintained for finishing/packing?包装成品是否有保持记录?

7.6.2、Is appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) provided to the workers? Welding goggles, respirators, gloves etc.是否有提供劳保用品给员工使用(眼罩、口罩、手套、等等)?

7.7、Materials and Supplier Management物料与供应商管理

7.7.1、Are non-conforming (rejected) raw materials, in-process products and finished products properly segregated and identified at all stages?合格与不合格品是否有分开及标识?

7.7.2、Are records kept to show the quantity and status of non-conforming (rejected) raw materials, in-process products and finished products?是否有文件证明收货、退货之原材料、半成品、成品之记录?

7.7.3、If non-conforming materials or products are reworked, do records show that they have been re-inspected and confirmed to comply with specifications?退货品是否有按规格程序进行返工及补验?

7.7.4、Is there evidence to prove that second quality, overruns, cancellations are disposed of as according to clients requirements?如果取消定单是否有按客户程序要求来处理?

7.8、Document and Process Control文件与程序控制

7.8.1、Does the factory perform inline inspections?工厂是否有巡查QC?

7.8.2、Does the factory keep internal INLINE inspection records?工厂是否有保留巡查QC报告?

7.8.3、Does the factory perform Final Random Inspections (FRI) to a standard AQL or acceptable statistical quality level that is equal to or tighter than Target's AQL? 工厂是否有按照或比Target严格之AQL进行最终检验?

7.8.4、Does factory keep internal FRI inspection records?工厂是否有保留QC成品检查报告?

7.8.5、Does the internal FRI include inspecting packaging and cartons?是否有对纸箱进行成品检查?

7.8.6、Does each workstation have product packaging specifications posted?包装工序是否有工作指引?
