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Wal-mart ES验厂文件清单(2012)(2)

时间:2012-04-18 来源:慧盟验厂 点击:

11.Payroll records and production records for past 12 months: (最近一年的工资 / 生产记录)
(a) Time card / attendance record (工时卡/考勤记录)
(b) Piece rate worker production record/ Piece rate wages calculation record(计件工生产记录及计件工资计算记录)
(c) Payroll computation (manual, computer, etc.) (工资计算记录-手工或电脑)
(d) Pay slip /wage sheet with workers’ signatures (有工人签名的工资条/薪资表)
(e) Wages deduction / fines record (工资扣除/罚款记录)

12. Insurance – Official Statement issued by Local Government and Insurance Receipt

13.Trade union representative election procedure, work union responsibilities and work union meeting minutes

14. Kitchen / canteen hygiene certificate (厨房/餐厅卫生许可证)

15.Kitchen / canteen worker’s health certificate (厨房/餐厅人员健康证)

16.Discharge permit (for sewage, waste water, air emission, open burning etc.) (废气/废物/废水等的排污许可证明)

17.Factory safety records - 工厂安全管理记录
· Building structure safety license (厂房建筑结构安全合格证)
· Building fire safety floor plan, fire evacuation floor plan(厂房消防平面图, 紧急逃生图)
· EHS task force / Safety committee organization and/or procedure
· Accident / incident / illness record (突发事件/事故记录/病假记录)
· Special equipment permit / certificate (特殊设备许可证明)
· Operator’s license for special type of work (forklift, elevator, electrician, etc) (特殊工种人员操作证)
· Hazardous inventory / waster inventory (危险物库存清单/废弃物库存清单)
· MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet (化学品物质安全资料表)

18. Training record - 工厂培训记录
· Emergency evacuation and fire fighting training (消防培训、演习记录)
· Machinery safety training (机器安全操作培训记录)
· Chemical safety training (化学品安全使用培训记录)
· Medical and first aid training (医疗与急救培训记录)
