BSCI最新消息:BSCI在其BSCI平台,开放了将BSCI验厂审核报告生成PDF版的“BSCI Audit Summary Report”,供工厂下载使用,这一措施,极大地方便了工厂将其BSCI验厂结果发给有需要的客户,如贸易商,甚至BSCI买家。
Audit Summary Report now available!
As announced in the BSCI News 76 (June 2013) the BSCI platform now offers the possibility to extract a summary of the BSCI Audit Report in pdf format. You can access this summary by clicking the "Summary Audit Report" tab in the menu on the left hand side of the online Audit report. This summary includes among other the Auditors Notes, Producer's background information, pictures of the production location and the overall audit result per chapter. A new concept called "Grace Period", to cover the upcoming requirements as a result of the new Code of Conduct, has been included. More details on this will be provided in the coming months along with the BSCI Code of Conduct revision process.
We look forward to receiving your comments on the Audit Summary Report, as a new revision will take place by the end of the year.
Contact: Anastasia Spathi, BSCI Auditing Manager